Go to the documentation of this file.
bool iParse(const std::string &_data, size_t &_pos, ejson::FilePos &_filePos, ejson::internal::Document &_doc) override
parse the Current node [pure VIRUAL]
the element "..."
static ememory::SharedPtr< Document > create()
Create factory on the ejson::internal::Document.
bool getDisplayError()
Get the display of the error status.
bool generate(std::string &_data)
generate a string that contain the created XML
void createError(const std::string &_data, size_t _pos, const ejson::FilePos &_filePos, const std::string &_comment)
When parsing a subParser create an error that might be write later.
bool load(const std::string &_file)
Load the file that might contain the xml.
void setDisplayError(bool _value)
Set the display of the error when detected.
bool parse(const std::string &_data)
parse a string that contain an XML
bool iGenerate(std::string &_data, size_t _indent) const override
generate a string with the tree of the json