Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
 EWOL: Bases
 Build lib & build sample
 Ewol coding style
 EWOL: Hello world
 EWOL: Object model
 EWOL: Object configConstructor MyObj(void) : propertyValue(this, "value", false, "Value of the parameter (descrition string)", &appl::MyObj::onChangeParameterValue) { // nothing to do.. } void init() { ewol::Object::init(); // do some stuff with the init value } public: //!
 EWOL: Object messageConstructor MyObj() { // nothing to do.. } void init() { ewol::Object::init(); m_button = ewol::widget::Button::create(); if (m_button == nullptr) { APPL_ERROR("Can not create button..."); return; } m_button->propertyToggle.set(true); // We connect signals here: (permanent connection) m_button->signalUp.connect(sharedFromThis(), &appl::MyObj::onCallbackUp); m_button->signalValue.connect(sharedFromThis(), &appl::MyObj::onCallbackValue); } public: //!
 EWOL: File access
 EWOL: Resources managementConstructor MyObj(void) : propertyConfig(this, "file", "DATA:ExapleConfig.json", "no desc", &appl::MyObj::onChangePropertyFile), m_configValId(-1) { // nothing to do.. } void init() { ewol::Object::init(); onChangePropertyFile(); } public: //!
 EWOL: Create a custom Widget
 EWOL: Add Widget in XML access