Elog Tutorial: Runtime use
When you build your application you can access some log configuration:
./yourApplication --help
you might have an output for elog:
[P] elog - help :
[P] yourApplication [options]
[P] --elog-level= Change the default log level (set all Log level):
[P] 0: debug None (default in release)
[P] 1: debug Critical
[P] 2: debug Error
[P] 3: debug Warning
[P] 4: debug Info (default in debug)
[P] 5: debug Debug
[P] 6: debug Verbose
[P] --elog-lib=name:X Set a library specific level:
[P] name Name of the library
[P] X Log level to set [0..6]
[P] note: ':' can be replace with '/' or '+'
[P] --elog-file=pathToFile File to store the logs: (disable console logs)
[P] --elog-color Enable color in log (default in Linux/debug)
[P] --elog-no-color Disable color in log (default in Linux/release and Other)
[P] --elog-config= Configure the Log interface
[P] t: diplay time
[P] T: diplay thread id
[P] N: diplay thread name
[P] L: diplay line number
[P] l: diplay lib name
[P] f: diplay function name
[P] -h/--help: Display this help
[P] example:
[P] yourApplication --elog-color --elog-level=2 --elog-lib=etk:5 --elog-lib=appl:6 --elog-config=NLlf
Then you can simply select the log level with:
./yourApplication --elog-level=5
Or select a sub-element log level:
./yourApplication --elog-lib=elog:1 --elog-lib=appl:6
Store in a file:
./yourApplication --elog-file=log.txt